Q: Satisfaction Guarantee?
Each listing is for one year. If you do not receive any inquiries (applications, phone or calls), you get another year free. You have to let us know you did not receive any inquiries. (Applies to single listings. Does not apply if you have multiple listings and maybe one did not get any inquiries but the others did).
Q: How do I get the information to you?
There are many ways. See the landlord page.
Q: What is your pricing strategy
We feel a yearly fee is the best way for the landlord and us. This allows you a flat yearly fee for listing many properties and configurations. That way you can list what you need and you don’t have to re-list every year. We simply control whether the property is AVAILABLE or NOT AVAILABLE. Some listing charge per listing, but then you just list 1-2 and hope to generate interest and then referring to other listing not published when you receive a call. We are very competitive with the other sites listing student rentals.
We take the hassle out of managing the listing.
Q: What if I only have 5 properties?
You may have 5 properties but many units. If you have multiple configurations, this allows you to list a 2-3-4 bedroom separately. This will give you maximum exposure.
Q: What if I am paying yearly for all my properties and I have 20 properties and then I purchase another?
If you pay yearly for multiple properties and your purchase another, we will add that for FREE. (If you buy 10 we will adjust the yearly fee agreeable to both parties.)