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608 Properties - 3br/1ba - 101WsN - Available 6/1/2025 - No Pets
Price: $1875 / month

Listing Information
*** AVAILABLE JUNE 1, 2025 ***
"The Ave" is a premium, secured 3-story brick 12-unit apartment building built in 2008. An excellent location for students, The Ave is just minutes from UW-La Crosse and Western Technical College, next to MOKA Coffee and the YMCA.
There's one less thing to worry about when you have a secure, well-maintained apartment to come home to—The Ave has all the amenities you need to feel at home. A modern kitchen, spacious bedrooms, and large bathrooms ensure your comfort and convenience. Extra Storage. Three parking spots per unit.
Call 608-881-6555 or e-mail propertymanager.608group@gmail.com
"Say you saw it on: www.studentrentalslacrosse.com"
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