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MackHighland Properties - 1br/1ba - 700 22nd St N - Available 4/1/2025
Price: $825 / month

Listing Information
*** AVAILABLE APRIL 1, 2025 ***
PRIME Location & Convenience all in one! Live steps from UW-L in this PRIME Rental Spot- perfect for students or faculty. Located near the UW-L football field and close to Myrick Park, this property offers unbeatable access to campus and outdoor spaces.
This is a one-bedroom and one-bathroom unit. Enjoy a freshly updated interior & exterior, off-street parking, and a yard for relaxing or studying outdoors, and convenient onsite shared laundry. Don't miss this opportunity for comfortable, connected living!
DO NOT CALL, TEXT ONLY PLEASE 608-386-8899, or e-mail kevinmack007@gmail.com
"Say you saw it on: www.studentrentalslacrosse.com"
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