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Gander Rentals - 4br/1ba - 1437St - Avail 6/1/2025 - No Pets
Price: $1920 / month

Listing Information
*** AVAILABLE JUNE 1, 2025 ***
Great 4-bedroom is the upper apartment in a duplex that is just ONE BLOCK to UWL! This terrific location is 1437 State St., take a drive by. FREE off-street assigned parking and FREE laundry. Also included in rent are water and Sewer, trash and recycling, and yard care. Tenants pay their own gas and electricity. This apartment has kitchen appliances and a walk-in shower, central AC, and it set up great for UWL students. It is an upper unit and well insulated so it easy to heat. No smoking or pets, please. Please text Mary at 507-358-3009 for more information or for a showing. A great place to make lasting special memories of your college days together!
Call, text 507-358-3009 or e-mail 3447mary@gmail.com. You can view the exact location on the map below.
"Say you saw it on: www.studentrentalslacrosse.com"
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