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Wedgewood Commons - 3br/2ba - 1935Mr - Avail 9/1/2025 - Pet Friendly
Price: $1295 / month

Listing Information
PRICE RANGE: $1.295-$1.445
SPECIAL! One Month FREE for a limited time! Valid only for new applicants on 3bedroom units with a 12month lease.
Our 3 bedroom with 2 bathrooms apartments were recently remodeled with beautiful oak cabinets, a raised breakfast bar, a large closet off the dining room, new light fixtures and ceiling fans throughout, and brand new vinyl plank flooring throughout with carpet in the bedrooms. Access to our free fitness center! $500 security deposit. !!!!FREE WIFI!!!! We pay for water, sewer, and garbage with tenants responsible for the electricity.
View Wedgewood Commons Amenities
Call 608-784-7771 or e-mail wedgewoodcommons@pre-3.com
"Say you saw it on: www.studentrentalslacrosse.com"
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